Sober living

Also, providers should consider intoxication with alcohol, amphetamine, cocaine, LSD, MDMA, and salicylate, as well as delirium tremens from alcohol withdrawal. For ketamine to be helpful in addiction treatment, it must be used under the close care of medical professionals. Ketamine has only recently courted legitimacy in a therapeutic setting. In addition t

Some people find that particular types of alcoholic drinks impact them more than others. Wine, both red and white wine, are reported alcohol lowers blood pressure to cause many people with uncomfortable symptoms. On the other hand, blood pressure can also have an effect on heart rate. Psychologically, however, many people feel low in mood […]

We offer best-in-class care for substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health disorders, treating the whole patient and setting them up for a lifetime of success. The most important federal law that applies to drug addiction and alcoholism in the workplace is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Federal courts and regulations recognize alcoholi

It is also important to note that thiamine absorption in the gut can be altered by several genetic variants that affect thiamine transport and metabolism [69]. These include your age, gender, overall health, body weight, how much you drink, how long you have been drinking and how often you normally drink. A study conducted by[39] […]